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What tasks can a webinar solve

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The client must sincerely believe that your product will solve their problem, and you can be relied on as a seller. 6. Find audience pain points It's no secret that the decision to buy something is made at the moment when there is a firm belief that this product will solve the customer's problem. Your task is to formulate this problem, voice it and offer a convincing solution. This will take you from “I’m not interested” to “I need it right now!” 7. Be honest with your audience If you want to sell a product, do it directly, do not mask the real purpose of the webinar: do not tell how you accidentally bought a product in a store, tried it yourself and now wholeheartedly recommend it to the audience. If you are caught in a lie, then further performance will become meaningless, because you have lost the trust of the audience.

Offer enticing discounts and bonuses by adding cta buttons Discounts and bonuses are a proven tool for increasing engagement. Also, don't forget that the main call to buy the product should also appear Whatsapp Number List several times during the webinar. If someone is ripe for an order, the  button will push him to the desired action. What about GetResponse? On the GetResponse platform, you can easily launch various promotions, such as exclusive discounts for potential customers. This is done using the built-in cta-buttons, by clicking on which, the client agrees to the promotion and goes to your site.

Create a sense of urgency and/or scarcity Say that the product is a limited number of copies or that the sale will last only a few days, after which it will be impossible to order. Here you play on the inherent human fear of missed opportunities, which often pushes you to impulsive purchases. What about GetResponse? On the GetResponse landing page where the webinar registration takes place, it is possible to add a countdown timer that will warm up the activity among future participants.

This topic was modified 1 year ago by Amandeep Bansal

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